The Beauty Routine That Won’t Cost You A Dime!

beauty tips

Sometimes you don’t have to spend fortunes in products in order to take care of your beauty. Most of the times, the remedies are in your kitchen.

Here’s for you the 4  beauty tips that will for sure won’t cost you a dime:

1. Better looking skin:

Citrus have amazing powers and it would be a shame not to take advantage of them.

Better looking skin

It clears the skin. If you suffer from acne scaring or hyper pigmentation due to wounds all you have to do is: mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice with 1 tbsp of water, and apply it with a cotton pad. Let it sit for 15 minutes then rinse. Repeat twice a week.


Oranges are good for exfoliation, it helps to rid the skin of all imperfections. Its citric acid helps eliminate acne by drying all your pimples. Small tip: Mix 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and apply the mixture on the face and neck. Repeat once a week.

2. Teeth whitening:

Teeth whitening


To whiten your teeth, nothing better than using strawberries. Crush a strawberry and add a pinch of baking soda powder.with the help of a toothbrush, brush your teeth with the mixture,once a day, for more effective results.

3. Younger looking skin:

Younger looking skin


To firm up your skin and say goodbye to wrinkles you only have to apply fresh apple juice on your face every morning instead of your toner, remember, the apple juice should be organic, and it would be better if you juiced the apple yourself.

4. Longer eyelashes:

Longer eyelashes

Olive oil

For longer eyelashes, use olive oil! Every night before you go to bed using a cotton swab apply olive oil to your lash line. The first results will appear after 15 days.