Microneedling For Beginners


What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure for the face which was invented in 1995. It’s become particularly popular since 2014 when Kim Kardashian-West posted a picture of herself online after a treatment. She raised awareness of this very effective method for lessening acne scars and stretch marks. The procedure also has anti-aging benefits and can remove age spots, wrinkles, and cellulite. 

Microneedling involves the use of many tiny needles inserted into your face to rejuvenate and stimulate. It works quite quickly to replenish the skin, and it also has tremendous long-term benefits. Getting a better understanding of how the process works can help you decide if this is the right treatment for you.

How Does Microneedling Work?

For this procedure, the doctor will use a topical anesthetic, so you don’t feel anything. The total procedure should take about 2 hours. 

Microneedling involves the use of a device that inserts many tiny needles into your skin. The needles only go surface deep. If you didn’t have the anesthetic, it would feel like tiny little pin pricks on your skin. The holes are so small that you don’t notice them later.

After the practitioner is done with each section, they may rub a soothing serum into your skin. This may be mixed with your own platelet-rich blood to enhance the effects.

The procedure functions by encouraging the skin to produce more collagen. The small cuts cause the skin to do this as they try to repair the injury. The additional collagen makes the skin firmer and more elastic, which can help to smooth out lines, wrinkles, scars, and other abrasions on the skin.

Following the treatment, the doctor may give you a serum or cream which will calm your skin and reduce redness. 

What are the Benefits of Microneedling?

Microneedling has a number of benefits as a skin procedure. Some of these are as follows:

  • It’s minimally invasive.
  • It isn’t time-consuming and there’s no downtime.
  • The results are almost immediate.
  • The method can eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.
  • It can get rid of acne scars.
  • It makes the skin firmer and more flexible.
  • The procedure can eliminate cellulite.
  • You can do it in a clinic or at home, although the clinic benefits are better.

Is Microneedling Safe?

This is considered to be a very safe procedure for most people who are in good health. You should avoid microneedling if you are pregnant, have an open wound, suffer from a skin disease, have a number of scars, or have had radiation therapy in the recent past. 

There are some possible side effects which could occur with microneedling. You may see redness, and in rare cases it’s possible to have some bruising or peeling. If this happens, see a dermatologist.

What Happens After Microneedling?

There’s almost no recovery time for this procedure. You may experience some redness for a few days, which you can soothe with a serum and cover with makeup if you like. It tends to take about 2 weeks for your skin to completely rejuvenate, at which point you should see full results.

In order to keep up the results, you will need multiple appointments. How often will depend on your individual skin and your goals. Discuss this with your practitioner and decide on a treatment plan.


If you’re looking for a minimally invasive procedure for enhancing your skin and eliminating the signs of age, microneedling could be for you. This is a very effective method for diminishing wrinkles, lines, and cellulite and firming the skin.

Contact us today at Signature Massage and Facial Spa and The Pout Clinic to get more information about microneedling, and to book your first appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

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