Wanna Go For Laser Teeth Whitening? Think Twice

Laser Teeth Whitening

Have you ever though about laser teeth whitening?

it’s crazy how laser can can turn stained teeth into pearly white ones; but fid you know that this procedure can cost you more than the price?

Here’s some of the consequences of laser teeth whitening:

  • Increase teeth sensitivity, which makes drinking hot or cold drinks impossible.
  • Damage for both enamel and fum tissues,that leads to inflamation.
  • Laser actually makes you teeth thiner, so they get cavities very easily.
  • You can see the result of laser teeth whitening in less than an hour, but you should know that this procedure needs to be done every year for permanent results.
  • So imagine how your teeth will be after 2 or three sessions.
  • There’s other alternatives for teeth whitening, let laser be the last; not only because of the cost but also for it’s bad effect.


Or if you really want to go for it; ask as many dentists possible, do your reasearch, and if you ever find a right dentist; ask the patients who went through the same procedure; don’t rush