5 Foods And Beverages That Affect Weight Loss And Muscle Recovery

5 Foods And Beverages That Affect Weight Loss And Muscle Recovery

The real secret of weight loss isn’t over-exercising. Though working out is essential to help you drop those extra pounds, the actual key to weight loss is in your kitchen. There is no point in hitting the gym several times a week if every time you come back you treat yourself to a cheeseburger and fries.

What you eat can have a major effect on weight and fat loss plans. You probably already know the basics: sodas, energy drinks, and processed junk food aren’t your friends, and fruit and vegetables are essential. What you may not know, is that what you eat can also influence muscle soreness and recovery.

So, if your goal is to lose weight but want to avoid or easily cure sore muscles, there are some surprising foods and beverages you should cut out of your diet and others that you definitely should include from now on.

Here are 5 of the best and the worst foods and beverages for weight loss and muscle recovery that personal trainers and fitness professionals recommend.

The Best:

1. Eggs

Recent studies show that eggs don’t actually increase your cholesterol or contribute in the development of cardiovascular diseases, they can even lower the risk of heart disease-, eggs are considered a healthy source of protein and other nutrients.

Furthermore, they are low in calories: one large egg contains approximately only 78 calories, yet is very high in nutrients, especially the yolk, and because of their high protein levels they are very filling, so a meal consisting of three boiled eggs and a generous serving of vegetables contains about 300 calories and leaves you completely satisfied.

You can have them any way you want: scrambled, poached or sunny side up, just remember eggs are a great breakfast option and an excellent post-workout meal.

2. Almonds And Other Nuts

Eating a variety of nuts can accelerate the repair of damaged tissue after a workout, thus preventing sore muscles. Fats from whole sources have a protective effect on your body since they provide the right ratios of different types of fat: when omega-3 fat and omega-6 fat are balanced, for example, bone repair is improved. Almonds are a source of omega-6 fat, which can aid you in recovering your muscles after a demanding workout.

In addition, almonds and other nuts are high in protein, which is essential to consume after exercising for muscle recovery. Other nuts also contain great nutrients, such as the Brazil nuts that provide selenium, magnesium, and zinc -minerals that help with hormonal balance-, plus walnuts and cashews, they can increase your energy.

3. Leafy Greens And Cruciferous Vegetables

Leafy Greens

You probably already know vegetables, in general, are high in nutrients and low in calories, but leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables have many other advantages as well.

Veggies such as cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, rainbow chard, and collards are packed with compounds that improve metabolic processes, like reducing insulin response and eliminating free radicals that slow healing. Besides, these veggies are low-glycemic carbohydrates, very low in calories, they help lower levels of stress hormone cortisol improving body composition over time.

You Can Also Read : 7 Spices That Boost Metabolism

The Worst:

4. Juice


Even though fruit juices seem like a healthy option, the truth is even some of the most natural juices are packed with sugar to enhance the taste. The fruit juices you find at the supermarket have very little to do with actual fruit, since they are highly processed and lose all the beneficial nutrients from whole fruits, plus, they contain just as much calories and sugar as a soda, if not more.

Also, since juices usually don’t have fiber and don’t require chewing, they don’t have a great filling effect in contrast to whole fruits, making it easier for you to consume large quantities in a short amount of time. So, instead of drinking it in juice, have an actual orange or apple after working out.  

5. Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can have several effects on weight loss and muscle recovery. For starters, alcoholic beverages are jammed with what doctors call “empty calories”, because they contain high amounts of calories but not many nutrients. So, when you drink alcohol, you’re basically putting calories in your body without getting any benefits, what’s more, you’re causing damage to your liver and other organs and functions.

Additionally, research shows that alcohol consumption after training can decrease strength recovery and binge drinking can significantly decrease athletic performance. So, while this doesn’t mean you need to completely cut alcohol off, if you’re a heavy drinker it is probably a good idea to reduce your alcohol intake if you want to lose weight.

Eating these three foods and avoiding these two beverages can make a real difference in the results of your training, it can help you in your weight loss plans with the aggregate of aiding in muscle recovery.

A great way to save money on these healthy alternatives is to look for discounts online. There are Aldi coupon codes and they have a great selection of nuts and vegetables for you.

Don’t limit yourself to the foods and drinks listed in this post, there are many other ways to lose weight and improve muscle recovery, so you should give that a try as well.  Always keep in mind that hydration is key, so make sure to drink plenty of plain water before, during and after working out.

Do you know any other foods and beverages that affect weight loss and muscle recovery? If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave a comment below.