5 Homemade Creams For Softer Skin

soft skin

In order to have a soft skin, it is essential to moisturize it daily, with creams that has so many benefits, just like those prepared with natural products.

The number of people who prefer the use of natural cosmetics is constantly increasing.

Among the most revealing benefits of this type of cosmetics we find in particular the fact of obtaining radiant skin and hydrated at low cost.

This time we will talk about some homemade creams to get a smooth skin without exposing yourself to toxic chemicals that can cause allergies to autoimmune diseases or even cancers.

Aloe vera and lemon, two of the best ingredients to have a soft skin

aloe vera

Aloe vera has antiseptic and moisturizing properties very suitable for the treatment of facial wounds.

Lemon has properties that remove pigmentation and bacteria, while preventing the onset of acne.


  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera (15 g)
  • Juice of 2 lemons


  • Mix the aloe vera with the juice of two lemons until a paste is obtained.
  • Filter the mixture several times to remove the larger shunks of aloe vera.

Application method

Use this cream every night, right after cleansing the face.
It is very important that you always apply a sunscreen and that you do not expose yourself to the sun. Do not try using this cream during the day, because if you get exposed to sun rays after the application of this cream can give you brown spots, and even complicates the cure.
Although this cream can be a great help to have a soft skin, it is better to avoid it if you have sensitive skin. On the other hand, this cream is perfect for mixed and oily skin.

Rejuvenating cream with aloe vera, collagen and jojoba

The collagen brought by these nutrients helps to combat the appearance of wrinkles, which gives a hydrated appearance. Aloe vera and jojoba oil, on their part, bring you great nutrition.


  • 1 Pack of gelatin
  • 3 teaspoon of Aloe vera (gel)
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil (5 g)


  • In a glass container, dissolve the gelatin in a small amount of water.
  • Add the aloe vera gel to the gelatin as well as the teaspoon of jojoba oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients until everything is well incorporated.
  • Store the cream in a glass container.
  • Apply to the skin before bed.

The ingredients of this cream are ideal for dry or matured skin.

Cream with olive oil and aloe vera

Cream with olive oil and aloe vera

Looking for a cream that helps you fight dry skin? It is likely that you have already tried all the options available in the market and that you have not found the one that suits you.

In this case, try this one, which is a real cocktail of hydration that you will love.


  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel (5 g)
  • 3 drops of extra virgin olive oil
  • 5 drops of distilled water


  • Mix all the ingredients,until evrything is well incorporated.
  • Apply the cream 2 times a day (morning and evening) to get a soft skin for longer.

Rejuvenating cream with sage, beeswax and wheat germ

The combination of these ingredients helps reducing the acne marks and the brown spots due to exposure to the sun.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of sage (10 g)
  • 1/2 glass of wheat germ oil (80 g)
  • 1 tablespoon grated beeswax (12 g)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (5 g)


  • Heat the water and when it comes to a boil, remove from the heat and add the sage and let rest.
  • In another pot, heat the wheat germ oil and melt the beeswax.
  • When the wax is melted, add the baking soda and mix well.
  • Pour the infusion into the previous mixture and mix well over low heat until everything turns creamy.
  • Let it cool a little and pour everything into a glass container.
  • You can apply this cream every day, morning and evening.

Lavender cream to have a soft skin

Lavender cream to have a soft skin

Lavender has softening properties that will help you have soft and smooth skin within seconds.


  • 1 handful of lavender
  • 1/2 cup almond oil (100 g)
  • 6 1/2 spoonful of liquid petrolatum (100 ml)
  • 1/2 cup cocoa butter (120 g)


  • In a glass container, put the lavender and the almond oil and let it infuse for 15 days.
  • Then, filter the mixture and add the liquid petroleum jelly and the cocoa butter.
  • Heat the mixture in a double boiler until complete dissolution of Vaseline and butter.
  • When everything is liquid, remove from heat and mix.
  • Store the remaining mixture in a glass container.

This cream is ideal for dry and dehydrated skin.

Why and how to apply these creams?

Through the use of these moisturizing creams you can reduce the impact of factors that affect the health of your skin. Regular hydration will help to delay and fight the appearance of wrinkles.

Try using these creams daily, twice a day if you can, to optimize the effect you want to get.

Remember that the best way to get results quickly is to apply the cream daily, apply sunscreen even if it’s rainy, and drink lots of water.