6 Essential Foods You Must Include In Your Post- Baby Diet

6 Essential Foods You Must Include In Your Post- Baby Diet

Being a new mom, you still need essential nutrients after the arrival of the baby. You have to replenish your body to make up for all the lost energy so that you can take proper care of your infant properly. A breastfeeding mother should never compromise on eating healthy.

Numerous mothers wish to lose the extra weight after delivery. But it is more important to consume a healthy diet and lifestyle.

6 essential foods that a new mother must include in her diet after the baby comes are:

  1. Dairy Products

Low- fat dairy products like cheese, yogurt and milk are a vital part of a breastfeeding mother. Drinking milk is important as it is full of Vitamin D, which strengthens bones. Dairy products are loaded with calcium and proteins as well.

A milk drinking mother will have her breastmilk enriched with calcium for her baby which helps in the development of bones. It is recommended to include at least three cups of dairy everyday.

  1. Green Veggies

Enriched with iron, calcium and vitamins, green vegetables are also full of antioxidants and low in calories- which can help in losing the pregnancy weight. Include lots of spinach, broccoli and other greens in your diet so that you and your baby get all the essential nutrients. Eating seasonal vegetables, green beans and peas is also recommended.

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  1. Blueberries

A new mom should also make sure to include more than two servings of juice and fruit every day. Blueberries are full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and healthy carbs to provide you with energy and replenish your body. You can eat them raw or make smoothies or pancakes too.

  1. Salmon

Salmon is a powerhouse of nutrients. Just like other fatty fish available, it is full of DHA. DHA, which is a type of fat, plays a major role in the development of a newborn’s nervous system. Breast milk naturally contains DHA but its level increases in women who intake it more from their diet.

Not only known for its nutritional value, DHA also helps in uplifting mood and fighting postpartum depression.

Just ensure to check with your doctor on how much salmon to consume as it is recommended by the FDA to limit its intake to a certain amount.

  1. Whole Wheat Bread

Whole grain pastas and breads are full of folic acid which is essential for the development of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy. It is also an important nutrient in breast milk which is needed by the baby for his/ her good health. Folic acid is also excellent for a new mother, so make sure to intake it on a daily basis.

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  1. Pulses and Legumes

Pulses are an excellent source of fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins. You can soak them and have them in salad and benefit from these easily digestible food. Pulses prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. They also help in providing energy and is perfect for vegan and vegetarian mothers.

Legumes are rich in iron. Dark beans like kidney and black beans are an ideal breastfeeding food. They are an excellent non- animal source of protein and tasty.

Eat these wholesome goodness, stay active and keep healthy so that you can enjoy your time with your baby.