Foods High in Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid

What is Hyaluronic acid ?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural carbohydrate that promotes joint function and tissue repair. Known as the “Fountain of Youth”, is an essential nutrient that effectively strengthens eyes, skin, collagen and immunity.

As you know, the ability of the body to naturally produce this substance decreases with the years, so that after 40 years, we should enrich our diet with foods rich in hyaluronic acid, because the body fails to produce 50 % the amount needed to restore it needs.

In addition, diet rich in hyaluronic acid will bring benefits, not only directly, but will help stimulate collagen production, boost the natural production of it and improve its positive effects.

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Here are some great foods that can help boost hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

  • Meats such as: lamb, veal, beef, turkey and duck, all rich in hyaluronic acid. While it is important to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, eating these meats in moderation can help produce natural collagen, which helps with healing wounds and strengthen connective tissue.
  • Cod liver oil contains large amounts of hyaluronic acid and vitamin A, which helps fight premature aging, reduce wrinkles and promote the natural skin rejuvenation.
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C also contain high levels of hyaluronic acid. Fruits and vegetables such as: broccoli, kiwi, kale and strawberries can help strengthen eye function, promote natural healing of wounds and protect skin from free radical damage.

Hyaluronic acid

  • Spices and pepper contain a significant amount of healthy nutrients that can be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. Parsley, coriander, red and green peppers can provide your body with hyaluronic acid that can boost immunity, boost metabolism and promote healthy skin.

In addition to following a balanced diet and consuming foods that help produce hyaluronic acid, we recommend that you consume 2 liters of water a day and play sports.

This will help you eliminate the toxins that accumulate in the body and have an impact on the health of the skin.